The new year is right around the corner which means only one thing...for those of you who have been grubbin' it up...STEP UP YOUR TRAINING...and for those of you have become one with the couch for the last few months- time to start one of our new class offerings at CROM Martial Training!!
The MMA/BJJ program at CROM Martial Trainin

Our Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes are taught by black belt and veteran MMA coach, Professor Clarence Everett. "Cee" is known for his comprehensive instruction and teaches the nuts and bolts of this very technical art. The objective of this class is to teach students the fundamentals in the art of “ground fighting”. Students will drill movements to learn how to get from position to submission, thereby constantly reinforcing the most efficient strategy for real life confrontations or for sport.
WHEN: Tues: 8:00-9:30pm & Thurs 8:00-9:30pm INSTRUCTOR: PROF CLARENCE EVERETT
MMA classes are taught by our head instructor, Chris Romulo, from a stand- up perspective, giving you all the tools necessary to stay on your feet and work your boxing and muay thai. This class will help bridge the gap between standup and ground fighting. CROM's MMA program will cover the basics of wrestling and jiu-jitsu while still adhering to our preference to "sprawl and brawl". 3 months striking/standup training is recommended for participation.
WHEN: Tues: 6:30-7:45 & Sat 11:30-12:30pm// INSTRUCTOR: CHRIS ROMULO

CROM Fit is a Strength & Conditioning program created by our very own head instructor, Chris Romulo, to get in to optimal shape for his competitions. This program is comprised of tried and true old school training methods mixed in with cutting edge fitness exercises. Students build strength, flexibility, stamina, agility and balance through circuit style training that keeps one’s body guessing from work out to work out. The tools used include a mix of home made medicine balls, kettlebells, dumbells, climbing ropes, gymnastic rings, and chin up bars to give our students a back to basics, hard core work out. Students of all levels are welcome!
WHEN: Tues: 5:15-6:15 & Thurs 7-8 pm// INSTRUCTOR: CHRIS ROMULO

This class is geared towards women looking to learn authentic boxing in a fun, safe and structured learning environment. Boxing not only offers benefits such as a well-toned body and increased stamina, but also the intense training will undoubtedly improve one’s determination, focus, patience and self-confidence. Students walk out of each class feeling empowered, confident and relaxed. Training involves skipping rope, bagwork, mitt work, various conditioning, and core exercises.
WHEN: Saturday mornings 9:30-10:30am// INSTRUCTOR: SARAH ROMULO

Since his involvement in Muaythai, Chris Romulo has won regional and national professional & amateur titles and has fought in Thailand in the IFMA-WMC World Championships. As a professional, he is currently the North American champion and continues to dominate the east coast's Muaythai middleweight division. Even with his success in Muaythai, Chris strives to live by the code of the Martial Artist. Deeming that competition should never be about personal conflict, but rather about the respect and the passion for learning and growing through Martial Arts. The valuable lessons that he has learned from years of training in the Martial Arts is what he anticipates to pass on to his students. Building a gym in the same community that he lives in has been Chris Romulo's ultimate dream. Chris sees this as a chance to work with the youth and give them opportunities that he wasn't exposed to growing up as a child.
Record: Professional Muay Thai: 13-1 (10ko)Amateur Muay Thai: 18-3-1
2010 Professional Super Middleweight North American Champion
2004 Amateur IFMA-WMC Muay Thai World Cup Bronze Medalist
2004 Amateur WKA North American Muay Thai Champion
2004 Amateur WKA US National Muay Thai Champion
2003 Amateur WKA US National Muay Thai Champion
2003 Amateur WKA NY State Muay Thai Champion

Professor Alexander "Soca"
earned rank in Kodokan
Judo and is a lineage
holder in Southern Chi-
nese Martial Arts.
Everett coaches MMA
competitors and has
served as a professional
corner-man for UFC fighters
Phillipe Nover & Dave Branch.

in both amateur boxing
and muay thai and has
a great passion for the
martial arts, which gives
him great teaching skills.
Eddie has trained under
both Chris Romulo and
Jason Strout, and traveled
and trained through out
Thailand. He is currently
the North American Amateur
champion in his weight
class and holds a 3-1
record in amateur muay
thai and a 1-0 record in
amateur boxing.
Eddie teaches boxing on mondays at 6pm

Sarah Romulo, our ladies
boxing instructor, came
in to the sport 3 yrs ago
as merely an enthusiast
and desiring a better way
to get in shape, which
eventually turned in to a
need to test her skills
through competition.
Sarah encourages students
to not only get in the best
shape of their lives, but
have FUN while doing it!